ProxyJump is the simplified way to use a feature that ssh has had for a long time: Prox圜ommand.

An alternative: Forwarding stdin and stdout The ssh command first creates a connection to the bastion host bastion-hostname (the host referenced, by nickname, in the remote host’s ProxyJump settings) before connecting to the remote host. Using the example configuration above, when an ssh connection is made like so: $ ssh remote-host-nickname The -J flag provides flexibiltiy for easily specifying proxy and remote hosts as needed, but if a specific bastion host is regularly used to connect to a specific remote host, the ProxyJump configuration can be set in ~/.ssh/config to automatically make the connection to the bastion en-route to the remote host: # The Bastion Host For example, a public bastion host giving access to a "web tier" set of hosts, within which is a further protected "database tier" group might be accessed. This feature is useful if there are multiple levels of separation between a bastion and the final remote host. The ssh man (or manual) page ( man ssh) notes that multiple, comma-separated hostnames can be specified to jump through a series of hosts: $ ssh -J, You can also set specific usernames and ports if they differ between the hosts: $ ssh -J To use it, specify the bastion host to connect through after the -J flag, plus the remote host: $ ssh -J The ProxyJump, or the -J flag, was introduced in ssh version 7.3.

Instead of first SSHing to the bastion host and then using ssh on the bastion to connect to the remote host, ssh can create the initial and second connections itself by using ProxyJump. The ssh command has an easy way to make use of bastion hosts to connect to a remote host with a single command. Linux system administration skills assessment.A guide to installing applications on Linux.
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